Everyday relaxation with our new YOGI TEA® Tulsi Relax

Ever since YOGI TEA® was first established, we have always maintained an Ayurvedic and holistic way of looking at things – a lifestyle that brings balance and wellbeing into our lives.

Ayurveda can help us to be more mindful of the little things in life, leading to more serenity and relaxation. These days, our lives are so fast-paced that we often forget how to find the right balance.

So how can we re-establish the right balance in our lives? From breathing exercises to yoga or sport, everyone has their own way of switching off.

At YOGI TEA® we recommend: Meditation and our YOGI TEA® Tulsi Relax.



Ayurvedic mediation

The mind is like the wind.

The mind constantly moves around, permeating everything. The structure of the body, on the other hand, is the opposite and, according to Ayurveda, is made up of “hard” elements. Meditation is about harmonising our bodies with our senses. This helps us to get in touch with our true selves and overcome any bad habits that are not doing us any good. You’ll need no more than 5 minutes for our meditation exercise!



Minute 1: Breathe deeply.

Concentrate on your breathing. There are various breathing exercises you can do to help you relax completely. For example, you can breathe in for a count of four and out for a count of eight. Focussing on this will help you relax and give you energy.



Minute 2: Become part of your surroundings.

Concentrate on your surroundings and your senses for a minute. Be fully aware of everything around you: how does your body feel exactly, what sounds can you hear in your environment and what can you smell?



Minute 3: Allow room for your thoughts.

When you're particularly stressed, you will have a lot on your mind. Try to give space to all your thoughts instead of suppressing them. Pay attention to the stream of your thoughts and ask yourself how you feel about them. Be mindful of when you are straying from one thought to the next. Give yourself time to think about positive things.



Minute 4: Be grateful.

Now think about the things you are grateful for today. You could, for example, be grateful for having a few minutes just for yourself and doing nothing for once.



Minute 5: Do yourself some good.

Treat yourself! For us, this means making a cup of tea. Our new YOGI TEA® Tulsi Serenity is the perfect complement to enjoy after your little meditation session. YOGI TEA® has been creating Ayurvedic tea recipes for more than 50 years now. A new addition to our range of ingredients is the particularly aromatic, traditionally Ayurvedic ingredient tulsi.




Have you heard of Tulsi?

In some consumer circles in Europe, tulsi is the new superfood and is becoming increasingly popular thanks in particular to its stress-reducing and calming properties.

Tulsi is a plant variety from the basil family and a relative of the European basil plant. Tulsi has a distinct flavour that is reminiscent of cloves and pepper, with a delightful hint of lemon at the same time.



Tulsi in Indian mythology

According to an Indian legend, the Hindu goddess Tulsi once slipped into the plant so that she could heal and protect people. Still today, tulsi is revered in India as a symbol of health and happiness. It is often used in spiritual ceremonies, as a prayer chain or to decorate houses and temples. So it will come as no surprise that the plant is also known in India and in Ayurvedic teaching as the “Mother Medicine of Nature” and the “Queen of Medicinal Herbs”. This Ayurvedic miracle plant is said to increase the body’s resilience to stress, support the immune system, stimulate the metabolism and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Tulsi is also known in Ayurveda as a “Rasayana”, a nutrient that extends life and prevents the signs of ageing.



YOGI TEA® Tulsi Relax:

See the benefits for yourself when you try our YOGI TEA® Tulsi Relax with tulsi, liquorice and orange – a true delicacy to treat you to a sacred moment of relaxation.



Would you like to delve more deeply into the world of superfoods? Why not learn more about the Maca plant or Chlorella algae, which have also found their way into our delicious tea blends.

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