Multifaceted, freeing, pioneering.
An important step toward greater balance: to turn toward the things that are good for us and let go of the things that weigh us down. This requires a few relaxed minutes in our own company and the anticipation of what is to come: a self that is at peace with itself. With its balanced blend of herbs and spices such as liquorice, ginger and dandelion, YOGI TEA® Feel Pure is the perfect companion on this wonderful journey.
The tea for everyone ready for a fresh start.
Sid på dine hæle med knæene spredt. Før din pande mod jorden, stræk armene frem, før håndfladerne sammen og slap af i denne stilling. Posituren kaldes ‘Guru Pranam’. Træk vejret dybt gennem næsen i 1-3 minutter. Sæt dig langsomt op, træk vejret dybt et par gang og slap af. Prøv denne enkle pranayam (vejrtrækningsøvelse) sammen med en yogisk asana (positur) og opnå en rensende effekt.