Gentle, graceful, balancing.
The natural rhythm of our body is a harmony that we should listen to with rapt attention. If we are mindful, we can finely balance it before it gets out of synch. YOGI TEA® Women’s Balance has been composed with raspberry leaves, lemon verbena and a pinch of cinnamon to support your female cycle and give you balance.
The tea for everyone who wants to reward themselves with balance.
Sit cross-legged with your spine straight. Arms are straight with the sides of the hands resting on the knees. The tips of the forefingers and thumbs are touching, creating a circle, and the other fingers are straight. The eyes are open and gazing straight ahead. Inhale through the nose for 5 seconds. Hold the breath for 10 seconds and then exhale through the nose for 5 seconds. Continue for 3-11 minutes. Focus on the inflow and outflow of the breath.